Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rakhi .... away from home.

Last year, we were all together for Rakhi. Bhaiyya, bhabhi, mummy, papa, sankalp, betu and me. Didi couldn't be with us. But bhabhi tied Sankalp the rakhi didi sent and I tied it to bhaiyya. Betu wore the rakhi his Aarna didi sent.

This year Sankalp and I am in Raipur. Didi's rakhi didn't reach us yet, so he had to wear a random rakhi i bought. He is on a tour and most probably, will be back home tonight. Its a depressing Rakhi this year.

Just to cheer it up, I thought of making something my MIL makes. So tonight's menu is puri, aalu-matar ki sabji and kheer. Nothing elaborate, but something Sankalp loves. 
'Hope this brings a smile to his face!

Monday, August 23, 2010

IDF: Helping Humanity

Samarpita Mukherjee-Sharma speaks to Dr Narayan B Iyer, CEO and National Co-ordinator of Indian  Development Foundation [IDF –  formerly Indian Leprosy Foundation] about the campaigns they have taken up in the last 27 years.  “IDF is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) which has neither sought nor received any government financial grants. IDF is not supported by any major foreign donor agency either. The Foundation believes in self-reliance and raises its own funds through public appeals,” informs Iyer.
Tilak Bal Gurukul, Mangalore
Our origin
    “In response to the national call by our former Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi to NGOs and public-spirited people to take up leprosy elimination work, Dr. A. R. K. Pillai, the Founder President, gathered a few Samaritans and founded Indian Leprosy Foundation. The Foundation was registered as a Charitable Trust under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 and Bombay Public Trusts Act of 1950,” informs Iyer. The important purpose for which Foundation was formed is summarized below:

    * To be a national NGO with focus on leprosy/ TB elimination work
    * To be a self-supporting NGO without seeking Governmental Grant.
    * To be supported by willing and voluntary donations from the public.
    * To share its major resources with leprosy/ TB/ education Projects by giving annual grants to network with NGOs/ Projects.
    * To strengthen awareness about leprosy/ TB through its own staff and volunteer teams, use mass communication channels and erase social stigma.
    * To work hand in hand with Union and state health authorities and Municipal Corporations
    * IDF has over 100 Associate leprosy/ TB Projects spread over the country and they do all aspects of treatment and rehabilitation free of cost and without any discrimination whatsoever.

Clean beaches

Come September, and this year again, Mumbai beaches on the morning after emersion of any idol will be a sight to behold. What used to be a regular place to visit for the locals, would turn into a litter ground full of mutilated idols and other garbage. We bring the idols home and worship for 10 days and then when the time to end our festivities come, this is what we do. Of late, we have become more conscious about our environment and have ourselves taken the task of cleaning our beaches, instead of waiting for BMC to finish the task.

“Like every year, Indian Development Foundation (IDF) will take the lead to cleanup Juhu Beach the morning after the Ganpati immersion, this year also. Last year, the IDF team in collaboration with staff members of Dominos Pizza Ltd., Youth volunteers of Gyaan Connect, NSS Volunteers from Mumbai University, students from Vivek College of Commerce, Goregaon (W), students Podar International School, Santacruz (W) and volunteers from various schools/colleges in Mumbai joined hands with Municipal Corporation and various agencies and school students in cleaning Juhu Beach during the morning hours of Sept 4, 2009. This year we plan to do the same on September 22,” reminisced Iyer.

“We could see more volunteers turning up every year to participate in the cleanup drive and feel happy in doing their social responsibility,” expressed Priya Dutt, MP.  “I am happy to see young students shouldering the responsibility of keeping our Juhu Beach clean,” she said.

“The total effort by the students and volunteers is appreciative and we could see Juhu beach with sparkling yellow sand once the debris strewn is removed,” Iyer said.

Anti-tuberculosis drive

IDF is partner of the STOP TB Partnership housed by the World Health Organisation and is actively trying to spread awareness about TB and precautions against it. Their website provides all possible information to anyone who would like to know more about TB, how to get treated, how to stop it from spreading, etc at
World TB Day at Hyderabad
“TB is a killer disease and India has about one third of patients the world over. It is estimated that there are about 14 million TB cases in India with an annual infection rate of 5 lakh patients and about 1000 patients dying every day. The annual loss to the nation due to TB is estimated at Indian Rs.12,000 crores,” informs Iyer.

IDF has been earmarking a substantial portion of its receipts through public donations and sharing this with leprosy/ TB/ education Projects spread out in India. Their accounts are regularly audited by Regional and Central team of Auditors.

IDF has its Head Office in Mumbai, Southern Regional Office at Chennai, Karnataka Area Office at Bangalore, Rajasthan Office at Jaipur and Associates well-spread out. Our Field teams are located at Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa  Rajasthan.


Education to the handicapped, the poor and the marginalized children in rural areas, tribal villages and urban slums is a priority concern for IDF. Education gives empowerment in employment areas, commercial activities, health care and in fact Total Quality of Life.

“In health, IDF actively spreads public awareness on various health issues like leprosy (residual cases), tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS, cancer and blindness. In the field of education, we work towards sponsoring the poor and the handicapped students particularly in rural area, establishing empowerment schools/bal gurukuls, establishing bridge schools for rag-pickers/street children, sponsoring children of leprosy affected people/ specially challenged children, etc.  We are also actively involved in setting up tribal village schools, adoption of villages, creating awareness on road safety, water conservation, waste prevention, removal of superstitious beliefs and educate on self destructing habits like smoking, alcoholism,” finishes Iyer.


Can’t walk? But now you can drive!!

Samarpita Mukherjee-Sharma in conversation with the man who customised Sir Stephen Hawking’s Mahindra Voyager, Ferdinand Rodricks.

Ferdi, as he is fondly called, has over 60 assignments to his credit, all for physically challenged drivers with various types of disabilities. What started out as a hobby for him is today a serious passion.
Ferdi with Stephen Hawking on his India visit
Incepted in the year 1991, Ferro Equip is a dynamic organization engaged in manufacturing and exporting hand controls and alterations for physically challenged driven vehicle. These are widely accepted for its advantages optimum comfort, high safety factor, portability and easy accessibility.
“I work in the capacity of a CEO of a Mahindra Authorized Service Centre in Mumbai.I have been customizing vehicles and various gadgets for the physically challenged for the past 20 years. This is my passion and my call in life. I also have a brand name “Ferro Equip” under which I carry out all my work for the physically challenged. My website is,” says Ferdi who believes everyone has the right to move around independently.
BMW 530 di fitted with hand controls
Having started off with a Fiat, Rodricks has now improvised on almost all cars in the market – from a Mercedes, Camry and Corolla to a Maruti 800. “Even today, I place myself on the driver’s seat to judge for myself whether it’s comfortable and convenient to drive,” he explains.
Based on his judgment, Rodricks then decides how to place the controls accordingly. “I have re-worked on a car which was a manual transmission vehicle, with a hand-operated brake, clutch and accelerator.
erdi doesn’t stop here. He has a personal relation with all the people who have benefitted from his skills. He has a farmhouse in Nerul which he has remade as per requirements of handicapped people. Atleast once every year, the entire gang goes for a stay to this farmhouse and if you drop in on one of these days, you will see a group of people who might not be able to walk, playing to their heart’s fill on the go-karting rink! Yes, the farmhouse has been custom made for Ferdi’s friends in every possible way — its his way fo giving him a vacation where they can have fun and play games, their way! 

[This story was published on and can be viewed with my byline at]

New head wanted!

Sankalp thinks "it's all in my head".

So  I want to exchange my head for another. Any head will do, specially of it's empty.

Looking for the old me... [PART 1]

The last 2 years have crippled me. The fact that I am writing my blog at 5:39 am and am not out running or walking ... sums it all up! And the reason I am writing this is so that I can read it frequently and keep reminding myself how strong a person I have been, and how shattered I am now.

Life has dealt me some weird cards. And so far, I have played along. Losing a parent at 16 isn't funny. Neither is the decision to sit for your XIIth boards a month later. But I went through both. When my father breathed his last on Feb 3, 1997 ... everyone in my family wanted me to take a drop that year ... somehow they were sure I will flunk. Everyone except mom. She never said anything about "if I should or I shouldn't". It was an unspoken conversation we had, where in I knew she didn't want me to take a drop...for a simple reason that my father wouldn't have dreamed of it.

To this day, mom and I strongly believe that my father somehow staged his inevitable death at that time, coz if it happened even a few days later ---- I really would have had to drop a year.

My father had breathed his last in Calcutta, where he was being treated for the cancer in the esophagus. There was a tumour in his esophagus which the doctors had realised, couldn't be operated, after they had cut him open in the OT. Reason was that the tumour lay between two very important arteries leading to the heart and an operation would mean that they get snapped too.

After he passed away on the 3rd, the Hindu rituals took some days and we reached back Nagpur on Feb 17th. Boards started March 3. I had no clue ab out what was in my syllabus since I hadn't attended college since Dec and my memory of the days before was bleak.
I believe it was my dad. In some way, he never left us till my exams were over. When I think back, those days are a blur. I don't remember studying or eating or sleeping. I don;t remember anything I did on those days, but mom said I studied ... and studied. 

The reason I know I was strong back then, is coz not once did I doubt I will do well. Not once did I sit back and cry over my fate. And sadly, not once did i acknowledge that fact that I don't have my father with me anymore. [He was with me, just not physically]

My result? 64% with distinction. My subjects were Economics and English Literature. 

I want this fighter back!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My friend...

I used to write him letters. Really long ones. Funny ones. And I promised I'd write them forever. I still write them. I just don't send them anymore.

He used to call me every night. Long calls. Really funny calls. And he had promised to talk forever. I still hear him. But he doesn't call anymore.

I used to write him poems. On love. On happiness. And I'd promised to write them forever. I still write them. They are not happy anymore.

He used to sing me songs. On Love. On happiness. And he promised to sing them forever. He still sings them. But not for me anymore.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Those AARRGGHHH moments!

NOTE: The contents here are not completely mine...have taken my inspiration from elsewhere.
Have u ever gone through those super ARGH moments? No! Not the ones which make u go argh! The ones which make u go AARRGGHHH! And when u can do nothing about it. Neither scream,nor shout.but simply sail through it! Did i just say sail? Arrgghh  again!

Things that make me go aaarrgghh! {
Do i get an award for the maximum usage of this word? :P :* }

* Rains! I don't hate them,but the dirty stuffs it brings along with it is ARRGGH! Mosquitos,bad roads,muddy washrooms! Yew!

*Oiling my hair! Cant do much about it with mom around! But seriously!

*Dirty nails! I have seen extremely well maintained people having dirty nails.Either they aren't properly cut,or they sport the worst nail colors!

*Animal prints! On bags,slippers,head bands and even clothes. Like one is hugging a tiger around themselves! save our tigers initiative can be propagated in better ways!

*Men with those leather jackets! They are cool no doubt! But  when it rains??Please!

*Bad RJ'z! Just listen to those i-rock-on-radio kind of Radio jockeys who simply have no idea about what entertainment actually is?
Can u please Shut Up?

*Recharge offers! A person like me with super memory can never remember  these schemes.To top it all,they say
Simple  recharge plan! Go for it! DUH!

*Rakhi Sawant, Sambhavana Seth and all those despo breed on TV. If u havent heard of them,God Bless U!

*Vegetable Vendors! They think they own the world and bargaining with them is like the worst thing ever! phew*

*Those Bus conducters! They should be sent to personality development classes as a part of educating india scheme! They need it the most!

* SMS lingo's! When did "this" become "tis" ? Get a life if u are still using that language!

*When mom questions me about my where abouts! Arrgghh! Why should i be answerable to every damn thing!

P.S  Even thinking about all the above stuffs made me go ARGGH! Its ok,to be angry for a while aint it?

Friday, August 6, 2010

The power of one..

One day
The man I love will find me.
The job I lost my youth, my family, my friends to; will take care of my old age, my family and my friends.
The bank balance will balance out the balance sheet.
The people who hurt me will die of multiple injuries.
The song in me will get sung.
The passion for living will scare death away.
Centrestage dreams wouldn’t suffer backstage.
The head will not punish the heart for not listening.
The smile will bring joy to my tears.
The tears of joy will make me laugh.
The wrong men will find wrong wives and lead wrong lives.
The grass will be greener on all my sides.
The moon will be the new star.
The travelling soldier will find a home.
The silent tears will howl. 

Destiny < Love?

Sanjay and Suman fight everyday. But they always put the arguments aside and make sure that they end the day with their hearts full of love and a content smile on their faces?

Would you still think they weren't destined to be together?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whatever happens, happens for the best. Does it?

Suman and Sanjay were not meant to be. They were two different people who were as different as fire and water. Yet, fate brought them together. Right when their closeness became a worry, Suman defied fate and pushed Sanjay as far away from herself as possible. To a point, from where he will never think of coming back to her. 

But he did. Not that he wanted to. But, fate wanted him to.

She took him back in her life. She didn't want to. But, fate wanted her to.

Then the special thing called true love happened and brought them to stage where they couldn't think of life without each other. Mission accomplished, Sanjay did look around to while his time. Suman caught him. But this time, she did what most women do -- gave him a second chance.

The day they tied the knot would remain carved in both their minds as the most special day of their lives. Their love for each other is immeasurable. Moments spend together are magical. 

Still they are unhappy.

Was "destiny" wrong this time?